{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Diagrams.Coordinates.Polar
Polar (..)
, mkPolar, polar, unpolar, polarIso, polarV2
, interpPolar
, Radial (..), Circle (..)
, HasX (..), HasY (..), HasR (..)
, er, eθ, etheta,
) where
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Zip
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Functor.Rep
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics (Generic1)
import Diagrams.Angle
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import Linear.Affine
import Linear.Metric
import Linear.V3
import Linear.Vector
import Diagrams.Coordinates.Isomorphic
import Prelude
newtype Polar a = Polar (V2 a)
deriving (Monad, Functor, Typeable, MonadFix, Applicative, Traversable,
Generic1, MonadZip, F.Foldable)
makeWrapped ''Polar
-- can't make reasonable Additive instance
instance Distributive Polar where
distribute f = Polar $ V2 (fmap (\(Polar (V2 x _)) -> x) f)
(fmap (\(Polar (V2 _ y)) -> y) f)
instance Representable Polar where
type Rep Polar = E Polar
tabulate f = Polar $ V2 (f er) (f eθ)
index xs (E l) = view l xs
instance Circle Polar where
_azimuth = polarWrapper . _y . from rad
_polar = id
instance HasR Polar where
_r = polarWrapper . _x
-- | Construct a 'Polar' from a magnitude and an 'Angle'.
mkPolar :: n -> Angle n -> Polar n
mkPolar r θ = Polar $ V2 r (θ^.rad)
-- | Construct a 'Polar' from a magnitude and 'Angle' tuple.
polar :: (n, Angle n) -> Polar n
polar = uncurry mkPolar
-- | Turn a 'Polar' back into a magnitude and 'Angle' tuple.
unpolar :: Polar n -> (n, Angle n)
unpolar (Polar (V2 r θ)) = (r, θ @@ rad)
-- | 'Iso'' between 'Polar' and its tuple form.
polarIso :: Iso' (Polar n) (n, Angle n)
polarIso = iso unpolar polar
-- | Numerical 'Iso'' between 'Polar' and 'R2'.
polarV2 :: RealFloat n => Iso' (Polar n) (V2 n)
polarV2 = iso (\(Polar (V2 r θ)) -> V2 (r * cos θ) (r * sin θ))
(\v@(V2 x y) -> Polar $ V2 (norm v) (atan2 y x))
-- internal iso for instances
polarWrapper :: Iso' (Polar a) (V2 a)
polarWrapper = iso (\(Polar v) -> v) Polar
-- | Polar interpolation between two polar coordinates.
interpPolar :: Num n => n -> Polar n -> Polar n -> Polar n
interpPolar t (Polar a) (Polar b) = Polar (lerp t a b)
-- | Space which has a radial length basis. For Polar and Cylindrical this is
-- the radius of the circle in the xy-plane. For Spherical this is the
-- distance from the origin.
class Radial t where
_radial :: Lens' (t a) a
instance Radial Polar where
_radial = polarWrapper . _x
-- | Space which has a radial and angular basis.
class Radial t => Circle t where
_azimuth :: Lens' (t a) (Angle a)
_polar :: Lens' (t a) (Polar a)
er :: Radial v => E v
er = E _radial
eθ, etheta :: Circle v => E v
eθ = E (_polar . polarWrapper . _y)
etheta = eθ
-- | Coordinate with at least one dimension where the x coordinate can be
-- retreived numerically. Note this differs slightly from 'R1' which requires
-- a lens for all values. This allows instances for different coordinates
-- such as 'Polar', where the x coordinate can only be retreived numerically.
class HasX t where
x_ :: RealFloat n => Lens' (t n) n
instance HasX v => HasX (Point v) where
x_ = _Point . x_
instance HasX V2 where x_ = _x
instance HasX V3 where x_ = _x
instance HasX Polar where x_ = polarV2 . _x
-- | Coordinate with at least two dimensions where the x and y coordinates can be
-- retreived numerically.
class HasX t => HasY t where
y_ :: RealFloat n => Lens' (t n) n
y_ = xy_ . _y
xy_ :: RealFloat n => Lens' (t n) (V2 n)
instance HasY v => HasY (Point v) where
xy_ = lensP . xy_
instance HasY V2 where xy_ = _xy
instance HasY V3 where xy_ = _xy
instance HasY Polar where xy_ = polarV2
-- | Does not satify lens laws.
instance RealFloat n => PointLike V2 n (Polar n) where
pointLike = _Point . from polarV2
{-# INLINE pointLike #-}