{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Data.Dense.TH
, v
, stencil
, ShapeLift (..)
, mkStencilTH
, mkStencilTHBy
) where
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, empty)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid (Endo)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Linear
import qualified Linear.V as V
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import qualified Text.Read.Lex as Lex
import Data.Dense.Generic (empty, fromListInto_)
import Data.Dense.Index
import Data.Dense.Stencil
dense :: QuasiQuoter
dense = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = parseDense
, quotePat = error "dense can't be used in pattern"
, quoteType = error "dense can't be used in type"
, quoteDec = error "dense can't be used in dec"
parseDense :: String -> Q Exp
parseDense str =
case mapM (mapM parseLine) (map lines ps) of
Left err -> fail err
Right [] -> [| empty |]
Right [[as]] -> uncurry mkArray $ parse1D as
Right [ass] -> uncurry mkArray $ parse2D ass
Right asss -> uncurry mkArray $ parse3D asss
where ps = paragraphs str
paragraphs :: String -> [String]
paragraphs = go [] . strip where
go ps ('\n':'\n':xs) = [reverse ps] ++ go [] (strip xs)
go ps (x:xs) = go (x:ps) xs
go [] [] = []
go ps [] = [reverse $ strip ps]
strip = dropWhile (\x -> x == '\n' || x == ' ')
mkArray :: ShapeLift f => Layout f -> [Exp] -> Q Exp
mkArray l as = do
lE <- liftShape' l
let fromListE = AppE (VarE 'fromListInto_) lE
pure $ AppE fromListE (ListE as)
-- V n a
-- | Type safe 'QuasiQuoter' for fixed length vectors 'V.V'. Values are
-- space separated. Can be used as expressions or patterns.
-- @
-- [v| x y z w q r |] :: 'V.V' 6 a
-- @
-- Note this requires @DataKinds@. Also requires @ViewPatterns@ if 'v'
-- is used as a pattern.
-- === __Examples__
-- @
-- >>> let a = [v| 1 2 3 4 5 |]
-- >>> :t a
-- a :: Num a => V 5 a
-- >>> a
-- V {toVector = [1,2,3,4,5]}
-- >>> let f [v| a b c d e |] = (a,b,c,d,e)
-- >>> :t f
-- f :: V 5 t -> (t, t, t, t, t)
-- >>> f a
-- (1,2,3,4,5)
-- @
-- Variables and infix expressions are also allowed. Negative values can
-- be expressed by a leading @-@ with a space before but no space
-- after.
-- @
-- >>> let b x = [v| 1\/x 2 \/ x (succ x)**2 x-2 x - 3 -x |]
-- >>> b Debug.SimpleReflect.a
-- V {toVector = [1 \/ a,2 \/ a,succ a**2,a - 2,a - 3,negate a]}
-- @
v :: QuasiQuoter
v = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = parseV
, quotePat = patternV
, quoteType = error "v can't be used as type"
, quoteDec = error "v can't be used as dec"
parseV :: String -> Q Exp
parseV s = case parseLine s of
Right as ->
let e = pure $ ListE as
n = pure . LitT $ NumTyLit (toInteger $ length as)
in [| (V.V :: Vector.Vector a -> V.V $n a) (Vector.fromList $e) |]
Left err -> fail $ "v: " ++ err
-- Stencils
parseStencilLine :: String -> Either String [Maybe Exp]
parseStencilLine s =
case List.sortBy (compare `on` (length . snd)) rs of
(xs,"") : _ -> Right xs
(_ , x) : _ -> Left $ "parse error on input " ++ head (words x)
_ -> Left "no parse"
rs = readP_to_S (many $ mExp <* skipSpaces) s
mExp = fmap Just noAppExpression <|> skip
skip = do
Lex.Ident "_" <- Lex.lex
pure Nothing
-- | List of expressions forming a stencil. To be either turned into
-- either a real list or an unfolded stencil.
parseStencil :: String -> Q Exp
parseStencil str =
case mapM (mapM parseStencilLine) (map lines ps) of
Left err -> fail err
Right [] -> [| mkStencil [] |]
Right [[as]] -> uncurry mkStencilE $ parse1D as
Right [ass] -> uncurry mkStencilE $ parse2D ass
Right asss -> uncurry mkStencilE $ parse3D asss
where ps = paragraphs str
mkStencilE :: ShapeLift f => Layout f -> [Maybe Exp] -> Q Exp
mkStencilE l as = do
when (F.any even l) $ reportWarning
"stencil has an even size in some dimension, the centre element may be incorrect"
let ixes = map (^-^ fmap (`div` 2) l) (toListOf shapeIndexes l)
-- indexes zipped with expressions, discarding 'Nothing's
xs = mapMaybe (sequenceOf _2) (zip ixes as)
mkStencilTHBy pure xs
-- | QuasiQuoter for producing a static stencil definition. This is a
-- versatile parser for 1D, 2D and 3D stencils. The parsing is similar
-- to 'dense' but 'stencil' also supports @_@, which means ignore this
-- element. Also, stencils should have an odd length in all dimensions
-- so there is always a center element (which is used as 'zero').
-- === __Examples__
-- - 1D stencils are of the form
-- @
-- ['stencil'| 5 -3 1 -3 5 |] :: 'Num' a => 'Stencil' 'V1' a
-- @
-- - 2D stencils are of the form
-- @
-- myStencil2 :: 'Num' a => 'Stencil' 'V2' a
-- myStencil2 = ['stencil'|
-- 0 1 0
-- 1 0 1
-- 0 1 0
-- |]
-- @
-- - 3D stencils have gaps between planes.
-- @
-- myStencil3 :: 'Fractional' a => 'Stencil' 'V3' a
-- myStencil3 :: ['stencil'|
-- 1\/20 3\/10 1\/20
-- 3\/10 1 3\/10
-- 1\/20 3\/10 1\/20
-- 3\/10 1 3\/10
-- 1 _ 1
-- 3\/10 1 3\/10
-- 1\/20 3\/10 1\/20
-- 3\/10 1 3\/10
-- 1\/20 3\/10 1\/20
-- |]
-- @
-- Variables can also be used
-- @
-- myStencil2' :: a -> a -> a -> 'Stencil' 'V2' a
-- myStencil2' a b c = ['stencil'|
-- c b c
-- b a b
-- c b c
-- |]
-- @
stencil :: QuasiQuoter
stencil = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = parseStencil
, quotePat = error "stencil can't be used in pattern"
, quoteType = error "stencil can't be used in type"
, quoteDec = error "stencil can't be used in dec"
-- | Construct a 'Stencil' by unrolling the list at compile time. For
-- example
-- @
-- 'ifoldr' f b $('mkStencilTH' [('V1' (-1), 5), ('V1' 0, 3), ('V1' 1, 5)])
-- @
-- will be get turned into
-- @
-- f ('V1' (-1)) 5 (f ('V1' 0) 3 (f ('V1' 1) 5 b))
-- @
-- at compile time. Since there are no loops and all target indexes
-- are known at compile time, this can lead to more optimisations and
-- faster execution times. This can lead to around a 2x speed up
-- compared to folding over unboxed vectors.
-- @
-- myStencil = $('mkStencilTH' (as :: [(f 'Int', a)])) :: 'Stencil' f a
-- @
mkStencilTH :: (ShapeLift f, Lift a) => [(f Int, a)] -> Q Exp
mkStencilTH = mkStencilTHBy lift
-- | 'mkStencilTH' with a custom 'lift' function for @a@.
mkStencilTHBy :: ShapeLift f => (a -> Q Exp) -> [(f Int, a)] -> Q Exp
mkStencilTHBy aLift as = do
-- See Note [mkName-capturing]
f <- newName "mkStencilTHBy_f"
b <- newName "mkStencilTHBy_b"
let appF (i,a) e = do
iE <- liftShape' i
aE <- aLift a
pure $ AppE (AppE (AppE (VarE f) iE) aE) e
e <- foldrM appF (VarE b) as
pure $ AppE (ConE 'Stencil) (LamE [VarP f,VarP b] e)
~~~~ Note [mkName-capturing]
Since 'newName' will capture any other names below it with the same
name. So if we simply used @newName "b"@, [stencil| a b c |] where
a=1; b=2; c=3 would convert @b@ to @b_a5y0@ (or w/e the top level b
is) and fail. To prevent this I've used a name that's unlikely
Another solution would be to use lookupValueName on all variables.
But this would either require traversing over all 'Name's in every
'Exp' (shown below) or parse in the Q monad.
-- | Lookup and replace all names made with 'mkName' using
-- 'lookupValueName'; failing if not in scope.
replaceMkName :: Exp -> Q Exp
replaceMkName = template f where
f (Name (OccName s) NameS) =
lookupValueName s >>= \case
Just nm -> pure nm
-- Sometimes a variable may not be in scope yet because it's
-- generated in a TH splice that hasn't been run yet.
Nothing -> fail $ "Not in scope: ‘" ++ s ++ "’"
f nm = pure nm
-- Parsing expressions
parseLine :: String -> Either String [Exp]
parseLine s =
case List.sortBy (compare `on` (length . snd)) rs of
(xs,"") : _ -> Right xs
(_ , x) : _ -> Left $ "parse error on input " ++ head (words x)
_ -> Left "no parse"
rs = readP_to_S (many noAppExpression <* skipSpaces) s
-- | Fail the parser if the next non-space is a @-@ directly followed by
-- a non-space.
closeNegateFail :: ReadP ()
closeNegateFail = do
s <- look
case s of
' ' : s' -> case dropWhile isSpace s' of
'-' : c : _ -> if isSpace c then pure () else pfail
_ -> pure ()
_ -> pure ()
-- | If there is a space before but not after a @-@, it is treated as a
-- separate expression.
-- @
-- "1 2 -3 4" -> [1, 2, -3, 4]
-- "1 2 - 3 4" -> [1, -1, 4]
-- "1 2-3 4" -> [1, -1, 4]
-- "11 -3/2 -3/2 4" -> [1, -1, 4]
-- "1 -3/2 4" -> [1.0,-1.5,4.0]
-- @
noAppExpression :: ReadP Exp
noAppExpression = do
aE <- anExpr True
option aE $ do
i <- infixExp
bE <- noAppExpression
pure $ UInfixE aE i bE
-- | Parse an express without any top level application. Infix functions
-- are still permitted.
-- This is only a small subset of the full haskell syntax. The
-- following syntax is supported:
-- - Variables/constructors: @a@, @'Just'@ etc.
-- - Numbers: @3@, @-6@, @7.8@, @1e-6@, @0x583fa@
-- - Parenthesis/tuples: @()@ @(f a)@, @(a,b)@
-- - Lists
-- - Strings
-- - Function application
-- - Infix operators: symbols (@+@, @/@ etc.) and blackticked (like @`mod`@)
-- More advanced haskell syntax are not yet supported:
-- - let bindings
-- - lambdas
-- - partial infix application (+) (1+) (+2)
-- - type signatures
-- - comments
-- This could be replaced by haskell-src-meta but since I want a
-- custom parser for 'noAppExpression' it doesn't seem worth the extra
-- dependencies.
expression :: ReadP Exp
expression = do
f <- anExpr True
args <- many (anExpr False)
let aE = F.foldl AppE f args
option aE $ do
-- if the next lex isn't a symbol, we move on to the next statement
i <- infixExp
bE <- expression
pure $ UInfixE aE i bE
-- | Parse an infix expression. Either a symbol or a name wrapped in @`@.
infixExp :: ReadP Exp
infixExp = do
a <- Lex.lex
case a of
Lex.Symbol s -> pure $ symbol s
Lex.Punc "`" -> do
Lex.Ident x <- Lex.lex
Lex.Punc "`" <- Lex.lex
ident x
_ -> pfail
-- Lexing --------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parse a single expression.
:: Bool -- ^ Allow a leading @-@ to mean 'negate'
-> ReadP Exp
anExpr new = do
a <- Lex.lex
case a of
Lex.Char c -> pure $ LitE (CharL c)
Lex.String s -> pure $ LitE (StringL s)
Lex.Punc s -> punc s
Lex.Ident s -> ident s
Lex.Symbol s -> if new then prefix s else pfail
Lex.Number n -> pure $ LitE (number n)
Lex.EOF -> pfail
-- | Convert a name to an expression.
ident :: String -> ReadP Exp
ident "_" = pfail
ident s@(x:_) | isUpper x = pure $ ConE (mkName s)
ident s = pure $ VarE (mkName s)
-- | Convert a symbol to an expression.
symbol :: String -> Exp
symbol s@(':':_) = ConE (mkName s)
symbol s = VarE (mkName s)
-- | Parse from some punctuation.
punc :: String -> ReadP Exp
punc = \case
-- parenthesis / tuples
"(" -> do as <- expression `sepBy` comma
Lex.Punc ")" <- Lex.lex
pure $ TupE as
-- lists
"[" -> do as <- expression `sepBy` comma
Lex.Punc "]" <- Lex.lex
pure $ ListE as
_ -> pfail
prefix :: String -> ReadP Exp
prefix "-" = do
e <- anExpr False
pure $ AppE (VarE 'negate) e
prefix _ = pfail
comma :: ReadP ()
comma = do
Lex.Punc "," <- Lex.lex
pure ()
-- | Turn a 'Number' into a literal 'Integer' if possible, otherwise
-- make a literal `Rational`.
number :: Lex.Number -> Lit
number n =
maybe (RationalL $ Lex.numberToRational n)
(Lex.numberToInteger n)
-- Parsing patterns
patternV :: String -> Q Pat
patternV s = do
case parsePattern s of
Left err -> fail err
Right pats -> do
fE <- vTuple (length pats)
pure $ ViewP fE (TupP pats)
parsePattern :: String -> Either String [Pat]
parsePattern s =
case List.sortBy (compare `on` (length . snd)) rs of
(xs,"") : _ -> Right xs
(_ , x) : _ -> Left $ "parse error on input " ++ head (words x)
_ -> Left "no parse"
where rs = readP_to_S (many pattern <* skipSpaces) s
pattern :: ReadP Pat
pattern = do
a <- Lex.lex
case a of
Lex.Char c -> pure $ LitP (CharL c)
Lex.String s -> pure $ LitP (StringL s)
Lex.Punc s -> puncP s
Lex.Ident n -> pure $ identP n
Lex.Symbol s -> prefixP s
Lex.Number n -> pure $ LitP (number n)
Lex.EOF -> pfail
-- | Convert a name to an expression.
identP :: String -> Pat
identP "_" = WildP
identP s@(x:_) | isUpper x = ConP (mkName s) []
identP s = VarP (mkName s)
-- | Parse from some punctuation.
puncP :: String -> ReadP Pat
puncP = \case
"~" -> TildeP <$> pattern
"(" -> do as <- pattern `sepBy` comma
Lex.Punc ")" <- Lex.lex
pure $ TupP as
"[" -> do as <- pattern `sepBy` comma
Lex.Punc "]" <- Lex.lex
pure $ ListP as
_ -> pfail
prefixP :: String -> ReadP Pat
prefixP "!" = do
c:_ <- look
when (isSpace c) pfail
BangP <$> pattern
prefixP "~" = TildeP <$> pattern
prefixP _ = pfail
-- | Create an expression for converting a (V n a) to an n-tuple.
vTuple :: Int -> Q Exp
vTuple n
| n > 62 = error "max supported length is 62 for v pattern"
| otherwise = do
vN <- newName "v"
let idx i = AppE (AppE (VarE 'Vector.unsafeIndex) (VarE vN)) (intE i)
let xs = TupE $ map idx [0..n-1]
a <- newName "a"
let tup = iterate (\x -> AppT x (VarT a)) (TupleT n) !! n
typ = ForallT [PlainTV a] []
(AppT (AppT ArrowT (AppT (AppT (ConT ''V.V) (intT n)) (VarT a))) tup)
[| (\(V.V $(pure $ VarP vN)) -> $(pure xs)) :: $(pure typ) |]
intE = LitE . IntegerL . toInteger
intT = LitT . NumTyLit . toInteger
-- Parsing specific dimensions -----------------------------------------
-- | Parse a 1D list. If the system is not valid, return a string
-- with error message.
parse1D :: [a] -> (V1 Int, [a])
parse1D as = (V1 x, as) where
x = length as
-- | Parse a 2D list of lists. If the system is not valid, returns an
-- error
parse2D :: [[a]] -> (V2 Int, [a])
parse2D as
| Just e <- badX = error ("parse2D: " ++ errMsg e)
| otherwise = (V2 x y, F.concat $ List.transpose as)
x = head xs
y = length as
xs = map length as
badX = ifind (const (/= x)) xs
errMsg (i,j) =
"row " ++ show i ++ " has " ++ show j ++ " columns but the first"
++ " row has " ++ show x ++ " columns"
-- | Parse a 3D list of list of lists. If the system is not valid,
-- return a string with error message.
-- The element are reordered in the appropriate way for the array:
-- @
-- >>> parse3D [["abc","def","ghi"],["jkl","mno","pqr"],["stu","vwx","yz!"]]
-- ((V3 3 3 3), "ajsdmvgpybktenwhqzclufoxir!")
-- @
parse3D :: [[[a]]] -> (V3 Int, [a])
parse3D as
| nullOf (each.each.each) as = (zero, [])
| Just e <- badX = error $ errorCol e
| Just e <- badY = error $ errorRow e
| otherwise = (V3 x y z, as')
z = length as
y = length (head as)
x = length (head (head as))
-- reorder and concatenate so it's the correct order for the array
as' = F.concatMap F.concat (List.transpose $ map List.transpose $ List.transpose as)
-- check for inconsistencies
badY = ifind (const (/= y)) (map length as)
badX = ifindOf' (traversed <.> traversed <. to length) (const (/= x)) as
-- error messages for inconsistent rows/columns
errorCol ((k,j),i) =
"plane " ++ show k ++ ", row " ++ show j ++ " has " ++ show i ++
" columns" ++ ", but the first row has " ++ show x ++ " columns"
errorRow (k,j) =
"plane " ++ show k ++ " has " ++ show j ++ " rows but the first"
++ " plane has " ++ show x ++ " rows"
-- | Version of ifindOf which is consistent with ifind (in that it also returns the index).
ifindOf' :: IndexedGetting i (Endo (Maybe (i, a))) s a -> (i -> a -> Bool) -> s -> Maybe (i, a)
ifindOf' l p = ifoldrOf l (\i a y -> if p i a then Just (i, a) else y) Nothing
{-# INLINE ifindOf' #-}
-- Shape lift class ----------------------------------------------------
-- | Class of shapes that can be 'lift'ed.
-- This is to prevent orphans for the 'Lift' class.
class Shape f => ShapeLift f where
-- | 'lift' for 'Shape's.
liftShape :: Lift a => f a -> Q Exp
-- | Polymorphic 'lift' for a 'Shape's.
liftShape' :: Lift a => f a -> Q Exp
instance ShapeLift V1 where
liftShape (V1 x) = [| V1 x |]
liftShape' (V1 x) = [| v1 x |]
instance ShapeLift V2 where
liftShape (V2 x y) = [| V2 x y |]
liftShape' (V2 x y) = [| v2 x y |]
instance ShapeLift V3 where
liftShape (V3 x y z) = [| V3 x y z |]
liftShape' (V3 x y z) = [| v3 x y z |]
instance ShapeLift V4 where
liftShape (V4 x y z w) = [| V4 x y z w |]
liftShape' (V4 x y z w) = [| v4 x y z w |]
v1 :: (R1 f, Shape f, Num a) => a -> f a
v1 x = set _x x one
{-# INLINE [0] v1 #-}
v2 :: (R2 f, Shape f, Num a) => a -> a -> f a
v2 x y = set _xy (V2 x y) one
{-# INLINE [0] v2 #-}
v3 :: (R3 f, Shape f, Num a) => a -> a -> a -> f a
v3 x y z = set _xyz (V3 x y z) one
{-# INLINE [0] v3 #-}
v4 :: (R4 f, Shape f, Num a) => a -> a -> a -> a -> f a
v4 x y z w = set _xyzw (V4 x y z w) one
{-# INLINE [0] v4 #-}
one :: (Shape f, Num a) => f a
one = 1 <$ (zero :: Additive f => f Int)
-- are these nessesary?
"v1/V1" v1 = V1;
"v1/V2" forall a. v1 a = V2 a 1;
"v1/V3" forall a. v1 a = V3 a 1 1;
"v2/V2" v2 = V2;
"v2/V3" forall a b. v2 a b = V3 a b 1;
"v3/V3" v3 = V3;
"v4/V4" v4 = V4